Thursday, April 30, 2020

leash Review Essay Example

leash Review Paper Essay on leash This literature as a journey. Together with authors and characters can visit different countries and cities, today you are in St. Petersburg, in the pouring rain tomorrow in Lima under the scorching sun, the next day the crowd of New York City. This time I was in Paris in a place with Vincent , the performer and the composer of middle age, seven years married to Laurence from a wealthy bourgeois family. the heros career has not worked, and all this time he was living on a tight leash on his wifes money, reconciled with total submission and control, Laurence calmly enjoyed her big toy. To everyones surprise, Vincent wrote a melody for the film, which becomes a hit and earn a couple million dollars. This event brings the marriage of heroes out of balance. Realizing that now my husband will be able to find freedom, Laurence embarks on tricks with a bank account, so as not to give him to escape with some blonde. Within five days of the story because the changes occurred Vincent reconsiders his marriage and relationship with his wife. We will write a custom essay sample on leash Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on leash Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on leash Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The novel itself is an internal monologue of the hero. Vincent, in essence, a gigolo, which awakens a sense of pride and a thirst for independence, an insult to the wife, the fear of the possibility of losing arranged life, the attempt to justify themselves and their way of life. He regards everything from the irony of bourgeois opinion through false friends and his little wife did not care about him, he makes fun of her and their hypocrisy. But at the same time, he has long been resigned to this hypocrisy, and forces on an independent life is not enough. Emotions Vincent easy and constantly change each other, they are transmitted very thin, but still during the reading does not leave the idea that the author a woman and thats a feminine look at the man in the misalliance, it is very sensitive mannered hero turned out, though not without a touch of cynicism Prose soft, lyrical, very French.. Champs Elysees, Montmartre, the Bois de Boulogne are background, but give the book a special charm. At the same time here there is a satire on the bourgeois representatives of the French society, artists and businessmen. Overall, a very pleasant, ironic reading, and the end and at all left me happy with a smile on your face. leash Review Essay Example leash Review Paper Essay on leash Attention! The review contains spoilers One of the last books of the writer the novel Leash (1989) an attempt to analyze the secret of family happiness. Even Tolstoy wrote in Anna Karenina novel: All happy families are happy alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way » The epigraph to the novel Leash All marriages are successful. The difficulties begin after marriage - articulates the same eternal problem outwardly happy marriage of young people and Laurence Vincent, based on mutual passion, upon closer inspection, is full of problems.. Heroes suffer from a lack of understanding, and it is for them an insoluble problem. Mutual ambitions do not allow them to take a step towards each other. Author tries as possible vividly and more to convey the richness, complexity and depth of human emotions. We will write a custom essay sample on leash Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on leash Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on leash Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer †¢  «I turned to the wall to punish yourself to shut up this steep, infamous voice that always sounds in me thinks listen to it can not be, but it is impossible to get rid  », †¢Ã‚ « So this is a crazy love? No, rather, unfortunate passion that has nothing in common with love. When love happy, laughing, I knew. We with Laurence never laughed together, really never  » The story, like many works of Sagan, ends tragically. immediately after my departure Laurence jumped out the window to his death. But before you jump, she changed to a more suitable house dress. The freeway was filled with speeding cars. I could hardly turn around and go to Paris. Halfway recalled his music. And he whistled it to the boulevard Raspail  » This is another product of the author helps to better understand the modern world and feel its main trouble -. Decrease in human values. That is why the work of Franà §oise Sagan can not remain indifferent to modern readers.

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